Air Quality Campaigns for Non-profits

Step-by-Step Campaign Builder

Our 6-step campaign builder is an active and tech-forward way for non-profits to learn more about air pollution and its impact on human health and organize for cleaner air. The campaign builder is an online resource designed to break down step-by-step how to build an air quality campaign. Each of the six steps includes a mix of organizer’s guides, slideshow templates, and supplemental resources.



step one

Air Quality 101 Lesson

Learning the basics about air pollution and why you should be measuring it is the first step to change-making that can help reduce it. You may want to print out the Air Quality 101 Fact Sheet for your campaigners to keep as a reference. 

Download the Air Quality 101 Factsheet


step two

Build a Plan

If you went through the pre-planning page, then you already understand this step. The plan-building step transforms your pre-plan into an actual plan through careful consideration, organizing, fundraising, and communications to ensure that you have all the resources required to execute your campaign successfully. This is where you close the gap between your idea of your plan and what you can actually accomplish given your available resources, e.g. time, money, staff, partners, and volunteers. Discussing the plans aloud and working together to define goals, roles, and outcomes will help organize your field sampling efforts. This step, unlike most of the others, does not have an organizer’s guide. Use the pre-planning guide as a group to set your campaign in motion and nail down your actual plan.

Download the Planning Worksheet

If after completing this step, you are still unsure how to organize your campaign, check out these videos, reports, and blog posts on successful AirCasting campaigns organized by the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance and their member organizations.


step three

Informing Your Community, Gathering Feedback, Recruiting Volunteers + Inviting Partnerships

Access and make a copy of the “AirCasting Campaign” slideshow. Where indicated, update the slideshow with information specific to your organization and the information you generated in Step 2 “Build a Plan”.

Advertise and convene a community meeting. At the community meeting, use your customized “AirCasting Campaign” slideshow to share your organization’s mission and AirCasting campaign goals, explain the basics about where particle pollution comes from and how it impacts human health, discuss previously identified air pollution concerns in the community, solicit community concerns regarding air pollution via community mapping, invite partnerships with outside institutions, and answer questions.

Download the AirCasting Campaign Slideshow Template


step four

Developing Your AirCasting Field Plan + Training Volunteers


step five

In the Field

All the volunteers’ hard work and preparation was leading up to this. This day is all about cooperative data collection!

Download the Organizer’s Guide

Tips For Your Day in the Field


step six

Track, Visualize + Interpret Your AirCasting Data

The AirCasting website makes it easy to track your data collection efforts, visualize your mobile and fixed sessions, and interpret your AirCasting data. It is suggested that this step be repeated on a weekly basis by your organization’s lead AirCasting campaign organizer to track the contributions of your volunteers. This activity is also well-suited to a workshop setting, where volunteers can learn how to view their AirCasting data and make sense of it.

Download the Organizer’s Guide

Download AirCasting Data Interpretation Worksheet

Get Inspired! See How Orgs Use Their Data to Make Change.

Knowledge is power when it comes to air quality. But now that you are empowered with hyperlocal air quality data measurements, what exactly will you do with them? Check out what these six change-making organizations did.
